The Jewish photo archive Dokuforte is looking for family photo archives for digitization

2024. Október 21. / 09:17

The Jewish photo archive Dokuforte is looking for family photo archives for digitization

The Dokuforte Photo Archive is looking for family photo archives related to our Jewish past, including Holocaust survivors, for digitization and publication. The digital photo library does not keep the photos of documentary value but returns them to their owners after digitization. The goal is to preserve, save, and pass on to posterity at the last moment the Jewish past that appears in photos taken with analog technology.

 - Dokuforte is not a simple photo archive among many, but a historical, family history and cultural bridge that connects generations and talks about Jewish cultural diversity through the timeless power of photography - Noa Schiller, founder of Dokuforte, told our website.

She added that her team is constantly searching for important and interesting photographs, as this is often the last chance to ensure that the photographs are not lost. Through the Mazsihisz website, Schiller Noa asks Jewish families if they have old pictures in their possession, and to send those photos to her. The images will be digitized, published on the Dokuforte website, and the paper images or negatives will be returned to the owners.

If you have old photos that you would like to share with the Jewish community, please contact

The founder of Dokuforte claims that "Family history is the history itself. We believe that private photographs are an important source of history that should be valued, preserved and shared collectively. Family photos are an essential part of our shared history. Each of us, with our own history, must take place in history".

Photo: Dokuforte/  Izrael, 1926

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