Hanukkah 2024: Outdoor Candle Lightings in Pest and Buda with Rabbi Tomi Verő

2024. December 10. / 15:41

Hanukkah 2024: Outdoor Candle Lightings in Pest and Buda with Rabbi Tomi Verő

Donuts, hot tea, sing-along, and festive candle lighting await those celebrating in Pest and Buda on December 28 and 30, 2024. The fourth flame of Hanukkah will be lit together on Jászai Mari Square, and the sixth flame of the holiday on Lövőház Street. Dr. Tamás Verő, Chief Rabbi of the Frankel Leó Road Synagogue, welcomes everyone to the festive flash mobs. Rabbi Tomi will welcome those who come to the festive candle lighting with short teachings, delicious donuts, hot tea, and singing together.

Flashmob Hanukkah Candle Lighting at Jászai Mari Square
Saturday, December 28th at 6pm

Flashmob Hanukkah Candle Lighting at Lövőház Street
Monday, December 30th at 6pm

This year, Hanukkah will take place from December 26th to January 2nd (from Kislev 25th to the 3rd of the month of Tevet according to the Jewish calendar). The first flame of the festive menorah must be lit on the evening of December 25th, while the last, eighth flame must be lit on the evening of January 1st.

The eight-day Hanukkah commemorates the Jews' victory over the Greek conquerors from Syria in 165 BC, the cleansing and rededication of the sanctuary in Jerusalem, and the miracle of the eight-day-long burning of the menorah. The word Hanukkah itself means consecration and refers to the rededication of the Jerusalem sanctuary after the victory of the Maccabees' war of independence against the Hellenic invaders, who had desecrated the temple with idols.

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