“Those who were killed during the Holocaust died as martyrs because they were Jews, so we must not only remember, but also to look forward and walk with open eyes so that what happened to them cannot happen again, said Dr. Andor Grósz, president of Mazsihisz at the Holocaust commemoration in Nagykanizsa on 28 January.
On the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, a commemoration was organized in the synagogue in Nagykanizsa, where also commemorators from Pápa, Szombathely and Kaposvár joined the participants from Zala county.
The audience was greeted by Dr. István Székely, president of the Nagykanizsa Jewish Community, followed by a speech by Dr. Andor Grósz, president of the Mazsihisz.
Regarding the time of the Shoah, the president stressed that "those who were killed during the Holocaust died as martyrs because they were Jews, so we must not only remember, but also to look ahead and walk with open eyes so that what happened to them cannot happen again."
Dr. Andor Grósz continued: "I have been president of Mazsihisz for nine months and I had announced that we would pay even more attention to the communities outside of Budapest. I am very happy that not only people from Nagykanizsa are here, but also people from Pápa, Szombathely, Kaposvár and Zalaegerszeg. As a Jewish person from the countryside, I know exactly what kind of troubles and problems rural Jewry faces".
After the commemoration, our trans-Danubian brothers and sisters celebrated Tu BiShvat together.”