
English news

Kultúra / 2024. Február 19. / 10:28

As of this Thursday, Hungarian cinemas are showing the film All About the Levkoviches

From Thursday, Hungarian cinemas screen Ádám Breier's first feature film All About the Levkoviches, starring Tamás Szabó Kimmel and Zoltán Bezerédi.

Mazsihisz hírek / 2024. Január 31. / 11:37

Dr. Andor Grósz: We must not only remember, we must also look ahead

Mazsihisz hírek / 2024. Január 26. / 11:12

September 11 – October 7

The two dates will be deeply engraved in the memories even of our descendants. The two dates are days of mourning for all of us living in democratic states, both times the barbarians attacked our free, peaceful, constructive world. Both occasions were days of brutal and inhumane attacks against innocent civilians.