On the eightieth anniversary of their execution, for
the first time foreigners were symbolically reburied to the final resting place
of the greats of French history, in the Panthénon in Paris. Among them are
three fighters of Hungarian Jewish origin: Imre Békés Glasz, József Boczor and
Tamás Elek.
Members of the partisan group led by the Armenian-born
poet and journalist Missak Manouchian, who died as a martyr to the French
resistance during World War II, including three Hungarians, were reburied on
Wednesday at the final resting place of the greats of French history, in the
Panthénon in Paris, exactly on the eightieth anniversary of their execution.
This was the first instance that foreigners were interred at this symbolic
location of France.
"Foreigners, and yet our brothers,"
President Emmanuel Macron said at the tribute, quoting the poet Louis Aragon,
after listing the names of the members of the 23-member resistance group,
"who have been forgotten for too long."
"They are French by choice, they are French by
hope," added the president in his speech before the approximately 2,000
guests, including Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.
"Jews, Hungarians, Poles, Armenians, communists -
they gave their lives for our country," emphasized Emmanuel Macron in an
interview published in the communist daily L'Humanité on Wednesday.
With them, "the entire communist and foreign
resistance" enters the nation's temple of great figures, joining Jean
Moulin and the resistance led by General Charles de Gaulle, who have been
regularly commemorated in France since the 1960s.
The 23-member resistance group made up of foreigners,
including three Hungarians (Tamás Elek, Imre Békés Glasz and József Boczor)
belonged to the French Communist Party: operating illegally, they carried out
actions against the Nazis in the Paris area.
In 1943, they were pretty much the only resistance
around the French capital, so the Gestapo deployed more and more forces to
capture them, and the manhunt launched against them was finally successful.
The famous "red poster" is associated with
the international brigade, which, according to the Germans' intention, was
meant to show the French that the people participating in the resistance were
all communists, foreigners, and Jews, an "army of criminals".
The members of the partisan group captured in 1944
were photographed, and their faces and names, along with the news of their
execution in the Valérien mountain fortress near Paris on February 21, were
displayed on a red poster on the streets of towns and villages throughout the
The body of Missak Manouchian, who emigrated to France
as a survivor of the Armenian genocide, has been permanently transferred to the
Panthéon. The other members of the partisan group have been symbolically
entered into the Panthéon, with their names and life path indicated on a
plaque. (MTI)
Imre Békés Glasz was born in Budapest in 1902 as Imre
Glas in a Jewish family. He became a locksmith at the age of fifteen, and after
completing his training he found a job at the Csonka Machinery Factory. He was
a member of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party, then joined the Communist
Party. His wife - seamstress Ilona Weisz - was also a communist activist. In
the 1930s, Imré Glasz Békés was sentenced to prison several times for
subverting the state and social order. After his release, he emigrated to France
in 1937, where he joined the French army and fought against the Germans. In
1943, he was captured by the Gestapo, subjected to torture for months, and then
executed in February 1944.
József Boczor was born in 1906 as Ferenc Wolf in the Transylvanian
settlement of Batiz, today in Romania. He began his chemical engineering
studies at the Charles University in Prague in 1923, at which time he joined
the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. In 1927, he already organized the
communist youth in Timișoara. He also took part in the activities of the United
National Professional Association. The authorities persecuted him for his
activities, he was also convicted as a military deserter, and he spent a year
and a half in prison. He fought in the Spanish Civil War, joined the French
Communist Party in 1941 and joined the French resistance. He was captured by
the Germans in 1943 and executed in February 1944.
Elek Tamás was born in Budapest in 1924 in a Jewish
bourgeois family and emigrated to France with his parents in 1930. At the age
of 16, he dropped out of high school to join the French Resistance. In 1943, he
attacked Germans with hand grenades several times, in the summer of 1943 he
threw grenades among the members of a group of 70 Germans in Paris. He
participated in the derailment of several German railway trains, hundreds of
German soldiers lost their lives as a result of the derailment on the Paris-Château-Thierry
line. He was arrested by the Germans at the end of 1943, tortured and executed
in February 1944.