
Mazsihisz news

ENGLISH / 2024. Június 20. / 12:04

Israel Katz: "It is a Great Joy that after October 7, the Hungarian Jewish Denominations United"

The support of Hungarian Jewry and the Hungarian government is very important to us, stated Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz on an official visit to Budapest on 17 June. He had talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs Péter Szijjártó and discussions with the representatives of the Hungarian Jewish denominations.

Mazsihisz hírek / 2024. Február 27. / 13:37

The president of Mazsihisz discussed with the politicians in the Knesset

Dr. Andor Grósz, the president of Mazsihisz on official visit to the Jewish State until Friday this week had meetings in Jerusalem on Monday. The main purpose of his visit is to express the sympathy of Hungarian Jewry for the victims of the massacre on October 7, and to broaden and deepen the presence of Mazsihisz in Israeli domestic politics.