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Our leaders / 2024. Február 02. / 14:52

Prof. dr. Andor Grósz, President of Mazsihisz

- My mission is to work with integrity for our church and to stand up for the values and interests of Hungarian Neolog Jewry. Joining our efforts, working together is the last chance to preserve the place Neology has gained in the Jewish life in Hungary during the past 150 years, in order that the labor and sacrifice of our ancestors would not be wasted - said Dr. Andor Grósz, the new president of Mazsihisz.

Mazsihisz hírek / 2022. Március 02. / 15:35

Community crisis line

Like everyone, we at the Federation of Hungarian Jewish Communities (Mazsihisz) are watching the operations against Ukraine unfold with sadness and concern. Our sympathies are with the citizens of Ukraine, the Hungarians of Kárpátalja, and our Jewish friends there. But beyond sympathy we also want to take action.

Mazsihisz / 2008. Július 29. / 13:12

About Mazsihisz

The Federation of Hungarian Jewish Communities (MAZSIHISZ) – one of the four big historical church – is the representative organ of the local Jewry. Its highest level is the council, with 121 members from all around the Hungarian synagogues, and the rabbis. Every four year they are electing the president, the managing director and the board of governors.

Budapest / 2008. Július 16. / 17:10

Synagogues outside of Budapest